
This is a "dead" blog, but I don't have the heart to delete it. For a current blog, go to Janet's blog - there's a link below.

Monday, January 17, 2011

SOS! Floods . . .

Here in Victoria, townships have been inundated and evacuated.  Vast areas in Queensland have been flooded and eighteen confirmed dead so far.

In Brazil three days of mourning have been declared for the six hundred who have died.

It's not going to get better.  We have to accept the fact of climate change.  And the sooner we accept responsibility, the sooner we can act.  The most important change is in the choices we make. 

Stop consuming.  Do you really need a new one, or will the old one do?

Reduce, re-use, re-cycle.

Stop breeding.  Sorry; but it has to be said.

And governments, get your act together.  Start behaving with foresight instead of fear for the next election.

Would it be so hard to make interest-free loans that allow people to install solar panels or wind power that could feed into the grid?  Replacing street lights with self-contained solar units that would power them for a night would make a huge difference to ongoing power use. 

What are people doing up at three in the morning anyway?  Our lifestyle is too lavish and self-indulgent in the West.  Travel is not a right.  Clean water and reliable sustenance are basic human rights - but the majority of our world's population do not currently have access to them.

"How can you sleep when your beds are burning?"

The greatest opposition to changes in areas such as power generation will be the people who have the most to lose.  All right - it won't be as profitable, but the CEOs had better suck it up.  The workers should not be asked to share too much of the burden.  After all, the bosses have been getting fat on their hired sweat for long enough to bankrupt our environment.  Time they paid the piper.  The people united, will never be defeated!

But I'd prefer to see the changes achieved sensibly - through good sense and courage.  Not through conflict: or in desperation, too late and in pain.

S. O. S.  Save our souls.  An antiquated distress code.  Now, though, we must SOS - Save our Selves.  And the beautiful world around us.

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